Welcome to Kefay Farms. We have been a family run farm for over one hundred years. Our farm is located on the best land in
south-central Ontario, just hour north-east of Toronto. We produce milk, cash crops, and maple syrup on 150 acres owned and
200 acres rented. We have Holsteins, Jerseys, and Brown Swiss cattle in the milking row.
Our Employees
Kefay farms employs four full time employees: Keith, Faye, Robert and James Ashton. As well, we have one part
time employee, Richard Ashton. Keith is in charge of field and crops and is also ration manager for the cows. Faye is in charge
of landscaping and some milking. Robert is barn manager and book keeper. James is the genernal maintenance man. Richard completes
all additions to buildings and runs maple syrup production.
What a view! This picture of the century farm was taken in 1996. There is now a heifer loafing barn to the right of the main
barn. It looks even better in colour! Come and see for yourself.
The Dairy Barn
Here are some facts about the cows: -currently milking 54 head -49 Holsteins and 5 Jerseys -current
production is 32kgs of milk 9724kg of milk, 380kg of fat, 306kg of protein BCA 211-213-209 -10VG 40GP 22G
The Sugar Shack
Ah, the great Canadian pastime of boiling sap to make maple syrup! You can see this being done at Kefay Farms. Our maple trees
have been tapped for decades by ancestors and we now carry on the tradition of spring. We tap 500 trees and boil it down on
a 3'x10' evaporator. There's nothing like the smell of sweet syrup in the spring!